Information for Speakers
Carolinas Cash Adventure Conference
Kingston Resorts
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
May 18 – May 21, 2025
This information is intended only for invited speakers at the Conference
Conference Registration: General Session speakers receive free conference registration. Conference registration includes all conference sessions and conference sponsored meals. Please use this link to register. If there are co-speakers, each person must register separately.
When registering, select the "Speaker" option, which will result in the event fee being waived, but you must have the special code provided by the speaker coordinator. While there is no fee for invited speakers, we do need other information requested during the online registration process.
Travel and Hotel Expenses: Speakers are responsible for their own expenses, unless arrangements have been made otherwise.
Hotel Reservations: Hotel reservations should be made directly with the Kingston Resorts reservation department. please follow this link to the lodging page of the Carolinas Cash Adventure website for information and a registration link. The deadline for making the reservation is: NOT OPEN. You may also call the registration desk at: NOT OPEN, but we would ask that you identify yourself as a part of the conference group “ADV” so that your registration is credited to our contract. You should make your reservation as soon as possible, as there are a limited number of rooms available at the conference rate.
Handouts: Since this is a "green" conference, we desire to have an electronic copy of your presentation in pdf format, so it can be available to attendees for downloading from our website (after the conference). Please provide your presentation materials, both PowerPoint and pdf electronically to the speaker contact - no later than May 1, 2025. You may also bring paper handouts to be given out during the session. We expect around 200 - 250 attendees, so please plan accordingly.
Audio Visual Needs: Provided for you will be a speaker podium, a table with two chairs, a projector, and two lapel microphones. A laptop will be provided. Please provide your presentation in PowerPoint format by May 1st to be loaded onto the laptop. If anything else is required (extra microphones, flip chart, etc.) please contact the speaker contact.
Biography: a brief biography is needed, in order to be included in the conference material. if you haven't already provide this, you should email the bio to the speaker contact. While the bio is needed by May 1, 2025 it would help if you took care of this right away, to avoid the last minute crunch. If you are partnering with another speaker, please request that they also provide a bio.
Agenda: The conference agenda can be viewed under the "Conference Schedule" section of the website. Please let me know as soon as possible if there are any required changes.
Thank you again for agreeing to participate in Carolinas Cash Adventure 2025. Please e-mail info@carolinascashadventure.com for any questions.